Magnifest is a unique learning and practicing platform for final year      management   students to conceptualize, lead and manage the theme based event. The platform equips the students to learn on ground business functions as ...
हिन्दुस्तान इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मैनेजमेंट एण्ड कम्प्यूटर स्टडीज में आज एक उद्यमी-चर्चा (आन्ट्रप्रनर टॉक) का आयोजन किया गया। चर्चा का शुभारंभ एम0सी0ए0 विभागाध्यक्ष श्री एन0 के0 मिश्रा द्वारा सभी उपस्थित विद्यार्थियों तथा मेहमान उद्यमियों के स्वागत ...
Dr Shivani highlighted the role of women in today’s changing society and responsibility that we need to undertake to fight for identity, fairness, challenging status quo and leveraging upon opportunities towards a better future.
2 days student exchange and learning programme was organized on 7-8 march, 2019 under the MoU with IIITM College, Delhi for facilitating exposure, peer learning, expert’s talks and visits. Students visited Yakult Danone production ...
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