Director’s Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Hindustan Institute of Management and Computer Studies…….
Since its inception about nineteen years back in 1996, HIMCS has emerged as the flagship institute of North India’s largest educational group, Sharda Group of Institutions. The objective of imparting education, combined with creation, dissemination and application of knowledge, are being met in an integrated form, to create a synergetic impact. Fulfilling these objectives, we conduct a wide range of diversified activities including training, teaching, consulting, research, and intellectual development.
The MBA & MCA, offered by the institute subject the students to an overall transformation, training them to be better professionals, and better human beings. The programmes lay emphasis on all-round development of the students and inculcate human values and professional ethics in them. The mode of learning at HIMCS is different from other B-Schools. We emphasize on Experiential Learning, and believe that the market is the lab for the students. We encourage learning beyond the classroom, picking up case-studies from around us, observing the traditional negotiation skills and to learn business wisdom from every nook and corner.
We emphasize on application of knowledge to real- life situations. Our focus is on Action Research. Our students have initiated a wide range of projects ranging from Social Entrepreneurship to Community Engagement and Service Learning. The key projects (in progress) are Project “Lapka to Aapka” to train auto rickshaw drivers to act as a goodwill ambassadors; Project “Khandari Attitude Parivartan” to create environment awareness amongst the commuters, shop keepers and residents; Project “Rural Educational Development Programme” to sensitize and train school teachers in rural areas; Project “National Character Building to train the youth and help inculcate good character, in order to harness the demographic dividend for India. In the process, HIMCS creates socially responsible leaders, having better self-understanding, personal integrity and work to contribute to a community beyond themselves – locally, nationally and/or globally.
We further provide non-conventional platforms to inculcate & nurture the entrepreneurial skills of the students. ‘Entrepreneur on Fire’ and ‘Magnifest’ are few unique events at HIMCS, comprising galaxy of entrepreneurship activities.
We have a unique way of supplementing practical skills of business management with the “the liberal arts skills” much sought by the employers today. Panel discussions on contemporary issues are organized followed by a play on related theme. This goes a long way in helping students succeed, lead, and make a difference throughout their personal and professional lives.
I wish the fresh batch a memorable, meaningful and a rewarding tenure, and hope they emerge as world-class mangers, consultants, entrepreneurs …… and urge them to prove as good human beings and worthy citizens of this great country.
Prof. Naveen Gupta
‘Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.’